Euesook Kim

Euesook Kim: Celebrating 150 Years of Relationship
Between Canada and Korea

I was born in Hwang Hae Province (currently part of North Korea). We belong to So Rae church, founded by a Canadian missionary pastor. Reverend William John Mackenzie, using his own savings, had planted this church from Canada despite his home congregation disapproval in 1894 and served as the inaugural pastor at So Rae church. Unfortunately he passed away due to illness two years later. Growing up, I knew that my church was founded by a missionary, but had no idea that it was founded by Reverend Mackenzie from Canada! What a special connection we had with Canada going back as early as 1894!

As Canada celebrates 150 years of its relationship with Korea, I am situated in Canada as a proud grandmother who has made Canada home for the past 43 years. I came to this country single, and now I am blessed with three grandchildren.

For the past four decades, it was not always easy, but I was always thankful for the opportunities I was given in Canada. In tough times, thinking about my parents and my home country gave me the strength to overcome challenges in life in Canada. What means the most to me is that my children are happy, and my husband and I are enjoying our golden age.

If there is a will, there is a way. I deeply believe in this old maxim, and it is especially true in Canada. My husband and I were able to complete our higher education in Canada, had jobs, and owned our own businesses. I feel so fortunate to live in a country that inspires us with this maxim. I also feel indebted to this country and feel a duty to help others and support the community that we live in. Since my retirement, I have been very passionate about volunteering.

Reverend Mackenzie gave so much to others, including the people in Korea, by founding a church and spreading God’s message. He told his disciples, “I consider Korea my second native land. I will live with and work with the people to the end of my life.” Likewise, Canada is my second native home; I so wish to pay forward the love that Reverend Mackenzie showed to the people in Korea.